Shady left-Wing Group Targets Trump Lawyers for Disbarment

 A shady left-wing group is targeting Trump lawyers for disbarment.

In a series of targeted Instagram ads, Project 65 is telling lawyers that if they work with the Trump campaign, they could end up being disbarred.

“Don’t let partisan politics endanger your standing with the bar. The Porter Wright Partners face ethics complaints over Trump campaign post-election work. Don’t risk your law license by joining an effort to subvert democracy. We—and the public—are watching.

Project 65 was launched with help from David Brock, an ally of Hillary Clinton who also backs groups such as the censorship agency Media Matters.

Advisory board members include former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, and Paul Rosenzweig, a conservative and member of the Federalist Society who was former senior counsel for Ken Starr’s Clinton-era Whitewater investigation and served in George W. Bush’s Department of Homeland Security.

Project 65 does not disclose its donors, but has “ties to Democratic Party heavyweights,” according to Axios.

As Breitbart reported, Project 65’s “ongoing efforts to prosecute, disbar, and smear attorneys who served as election lawyers for President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign could leave Republicans short of legal talent for the election fight in November 2024.”

Around 100 attorneys have reportedly been targeted by Project 65. The group is spending millions of dollars a year.

Paul Davis, an attorney targeted by Project 65 for his presence at the Capitol on 6 January, described the group as “leftist hacks and mercenaries.

Davis said Project 65 is aiming “to neutralize anyone on the right with the ability to stand in the way of the left’s efforts to hide malfeasance in the 2020 elections” and to allow such malfeasance in future elections.
