No! I'm not taking about players punching a time clock or prohibiting them from working certain hours. Realizing that shifts were a winning strategy on the field but a losing proposition with fans, MLB banned them. These days, two infielders must be standing on each side of second base. And no playing deep on the grass to rob hits, either. So, when is the drunk in section 132 seat 5 going to be able to make lineup changes? The sport that never had a clock suddenly has them all over the park. Pitchers get 15 seconds to throw with nobody on base, 20 seconds with runners on. When we first played baseball as kids, the game wasn’t over until mom called from the back porch telling us supper was ready. We played with total disregard for how well or badly we played yesterday, and we never thought about tomorrow. Baseball and time creep along side by side, yet never intersect. With its disregard for time, baseball suits the elderly. For us baseball is never about yesterday or tomorrow. What happened yesterday is done. We know we cannot take tomorrow for granted. Today’s game is all that matters. So, if I went up to bat with to fielders in the wrong place and the pitcher taking too long, I would have started with 3 balls!!! Maybe I could have been an MLB Player.
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