Since the enactment of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), ongoing trade issues continue to flare up, and since the beginning of the Biden Administration our southern border with Mexico has deteriorated into a chaotic, dangerous, and lawless morass. It is too ambitious to believe our next-door neighbor, and largest trading partner, would be open to a discussion about how we could better work together for greater economic and national security. Certainly, we not only want a valued and honest trading partner in Mexico, but also to count them as an ally against nations, and multi-national organizations, who are hostile to free and democratically elected governance. Unfortunately, over the course of the three-hour meeting with President López Obrador, it became abundantly clear that none of these mutually beneficial objectives were of any interest to him.
Rather than meaningfully engage with our delegation, which included Jason Smith, the newly elected Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, López Obrador sought to lecture us about the frailty and corruption of the United States, blame American families for the rise in fentanyl poisonings, and denigrate American farmers for not being up to Mexican standards. There were multiple instances where we interrupted his rambling and unhinged screed to point out widely accepted facts like Mexican drug cartels disguising fentanyl as candy or lacing it into commonly used medications such as Adderall or Xanax, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of unwitting American kids. To López Obrador, none of this mattered.
Where does this leave us if we truly want to protect American citizens and fulfill the most basic responsibility of a functioning and sovereign government?
Despite the tens of billions of American taxpayer dollars that have flowed to Mexico to help with law enforcement personnel, training, and economic expansion support, Mexico is functionally controlled by the panoply of drug cartels who receive "hugs, not bullets" from the Mexican president. Taken together with Biden's Open Border policies, López Obrador and Biden are a Mexican drug cartel Dream Team, and the people of BOTH countries are suffering mightily. Clearly, a more direct engagement with the drug cartels, much like how we treated ISIS, is in order if we are to seriously combat the deadly consequences they are inflicting on the American public.
Conducting these targeted operations cannot involve corrupt and infiltrated Mexican authorities. Only an unleashed and empowered American military and intelligence agency can deliver the kind of direct assaults the Mexican drug lords so richly deserve. We should be going after their finances to freeze and seize them wherever possible and repurpose those dollars for American border protection. To bring our point directly to bear on these murderous international criminals, American special forces have proven particularly adept at introducing our enemies to Reaper drones and Hellfire missiles. Make no mistake, these people are our enemies, they are the killers of our neighbors, and they will never stop killing Americans until we end their existence on this planet.
President López Obrador can keep delivering dishonest, bloviating lectures to America and hugs to cartel thugs. For the protection of our nation and our families, it's time to deliver righteous vengeance. Perhaps afterwards, López Obrador, or the next Mexican president, might start to care about having a truly meaningful and mutually beneficial relationship with our great nation.
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