As you know, the world has been battling a serious CV pandemic since January. The CV has been so virulent that most countries, including the US, have virtually shut down their economies for about the last month. Presently, all 50 states are operating under a state of emergency. This is the first time that has ever occurred
Additionally, at the present time, 43 of the 50 states are operating under stay-at-home directives imposed by their respective governors. Recently, in South Dakota , one of the seven states that is not operating under such a directive, a Smithfield factory reported 769 cases of CV. The factory was closed, and currently there is a widespread demand within South Dakota.
At first, Mr. Trump insisted it was the purview of the federal government. The states’ governors pushed back, insisting that the Constitution gave them the authority to do so. After some days of political wrangling and sniping it was agreed that the individual states would decide how and when to reopen their respective economies with the guidance and support of the federal government. This makes sense to me as I maintain that the governors of each state are in the best position to determine an appropriate course of action for their state. The situations are very different from state to state, or even from section to section within a given state.
The reopening will consist of three phases. A state or region will pass through each phase depending on its degree of readiness, according to the criteria outlined above. For example, some states, such as AK, WY, ND, NE, WV, VT, NH, ME, HI, UT and MT are likely ready or close to ready right now. On the other hand, states such as NY, and NJ still have quite a ways to go.
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