CM Punk as return as an in-ring competitor for WWE would it be worthwhile?

As we should all know by now, CM Punk is a host on WWE Backstage. According to various sources, CM Punk is employed by Fox, not WWE. So at this very moment, he is not under contract with WWE, as far as we know. However, because he is appearing on a show that covers WWE content, one must assume that some of the bad blood that CM Punk has with Vince and co. has subsided. If there were still major animosity between Punk and WWE, there would be no way Punk would want to appear on anything related to WWE. So clearly the heat between the two camps has died down a bit. And because of that, everybody and their dog is asking the same question: Will CM Punk return to a WWE ring as a wrestler?

WWE ring ever again. But for a lot of us – as is arguably the case with Jon Moxley – a return to WWE for Punk just seemed inevitable somewhere down the line. Despite how things went down when CM Punk left the employ of WWE, nearly six years later things seemed to have been marginally smoothed over. Like I mentioned above, if the animosity between the two parties were as considerable as it was in 2014, there’s no way Punk would have agreed to be on a WWE show of any kind. So, with that in mind, one would have to assume that the worst of the heat between CM Punk and WWE has cooled off. And I think it’s safe to say that the ball is now in Punk’s court where a return to a WWE ring is concerned.

However, would a CM Punk return as an in-ring competitor for WWE be worthwhile?

As hardcore wrestling fans the answer to that question would be a resounding yes. Punk has a fanbase akin to a cult following. Because of that, most hardcore fans would lose their shit if they were to hear the opening riff of “Cult of Personality” on WWE television, myself included. Punk has diehard fans who believe that he is the embodiment of what hardcore wrestling fans (i.e. the IWC) want. I don’t necessarily agree with that sentiment, but I do believe at times he stood for most of our ideals. For that reason, his name has echoed across many arenas long after he took his ball and went home. I don’t consider myself a diehard CM Punk fan, but I’m a fan of his, nonetheless. So, of course, I’d be excited if he were to wrestle again.
