What does double standard of sexual behavior mean?


       Double standard of sexual behavior - a code that permits greater sexual freedom for men than for women (associated with the subordination of women) double standard - an ethical or moral code that applies more strictly to one group than to another.
        The sexual double standard Is not necessarily going away, but it may be evolving. Most people (66% of men and 70% of women) did NOT endorse a double standard. Instead, a full 55% of women and 35% of men (called "egalitarian conservatives" in the study) said they would lose respect for both men and women who hooked up a lot. Wow talk about Fuddy Duddy's !

        This implies that society holds different standards for what behaviors are appropriate for men and these differ from the behaviors that are viewed as appropriate for women. Perceptions that individuals have as to what is appropriate behavior for men and women are shaped by social norms. Men are usually allowed more sexual sluteness  and are evaluated with more acceptance and tolerance to sexual behaviors and number of sexual partners when compared to women who engage in the same slut behavior.

           A double standard has been found to exist when researchers have examined male and female condom use. Study participants typically rate the woman’s behavior more negatively and as more inappropriate when she provided the condom than when her male partner provided the condom. Sexual double standards and inaccurate stereotypes or misperceptions about wanting to use condoms may be a barrier to condom negotiation. These perceptions can have serious negative health consequences.


Alcohol Use, Hooking-Up, Condom Use: Is There a Sexual Double Standard?
Penhollow TM, Young M, Nnaka T
Am J Health Behav. 2017 Jan
